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Join our 2025 summer camp team!

We are so excited that you are here ready to apply to come serve at Eagle’s Nest! There are plenty of options for you to serve here at ENMC. Below are all the details that you need to know and steps that you are required to take.

  • Anyone who is 14 and up can apply.

  • We encourage you to approach your pastor or elders to tell them your plan and ask them for their support while you serve at camp.

  • All positions are volunteer except for “Core Staff” and “Seasonal Staff”

  • Accepted Seasonal and Core Staff Members will  be required to help ENMC fundraise for the position through support letters.

  • If you are over 18 you must provide clean criminal record check that has been done within the last 6 months of the time you apply.

  • All applicants must provide references

  • All Staff & Volunteers are required to take Plan to Protect training which will be done right here at the camp.

  • If you are between the ages of 14-17 you will be placed into our LIT program. Click here 

Step 1: Application

Fill out the online form here if you are over 18 and applying to be a volunteer, core staff or seasonal staff. If you are between the ages of 14-17 click here to be directed to the LIT form.

Positions available for 2025!

Seasonal Staff


LIT Leader (June-August)


Housekeeping (July-August)



- Must be 18 years or older.

- Clean criminal record

- Must be a professing believer of Jesus Christ and agree with our statement of faith

- Self Motivated and able to work alone

- Anyone can apply for this position as long as they are willing to learn

- Must be willing to pitch in wherever is needed.

- This position will require leadership skills


A monthly salary is available, includes room and board.


Fill out an application as soon as possible! 

Core Staff


8 Positions Available (June 24- August 24)

Job Description

Duties includes cabin leading and could also include leading in other areas like games or worship depending on experience and gifting!



- Must be 18 years or older (Some exceptions may apply depending on experience at ENMC)

- Clean criminal Record Check

- Must be a professing believer of Jesus Christ and agree with our statement of faith.

- Anyone can apply for this position as long as they are willing to learn

- Must be able to work with a team and be willing to do a variety of jobs including cleaning, leading activities and cabin leading.

-Most of the applicants of this positon will be placed primarily as cabin leaders.



Honorarium – $300.00 per week including room and board


Positions filling fast so apply fast!


Volunteers 1-6 weeks (Unpaid)

Positions include:

Cabin leader, Co-Cabin leader, Head Cook, Cook helpers, Maintenance, Nurse, Dish Crew Leader, Dish Crew, Activity Leader.



- Must be 14 years or older to apply.

-Anyone over 18 must provide a clean criminal record check.

- Must be a professing believer of Jesus Christ and agree with our statement of faith. If you are unsure about your faith and still want to volunteer there are a few positions where you could be placed.

- Anyone can apply.

- Commitment can be for a day or 2, a week, or multiple weeks!​​

Step 2: Spiritual Reference

We want to strongly encourage you to involve your church leadership in your decision to come serve at camp. Ask them to pray and to support you while you are coming to serve. Please send your Pastor or an Elder to this link to fill out a spiritual reference for you. If you need a hard copy email us at

Step 3: Personal Reference

Please provide a personal reference form to someone who knows you well. Cannot be a family member. If you need a hard copy email us at

Step 4: Interview

I you are applying for one of our paid positions we will conduct an interview. This interview will be done in person or over a video call!

Step 5: Criminal Record Check 

You will need to provide a criminal record check that is within 6 months

Option A

Print this letter and present it at your local police station.

Option B

Send your email address to for an invitation for online background check. *$35 fee

Anchor 1

LIT Program

If you are between 14-17 we are so encouraged that you want to come and serve at Eagle’s Nest. Not only will this be a great way to make new friends you will have the opportunity to grow as a leader as you are trained and as you are serving others. Serving at camp is hard work, but the reward is great. 


Here is where you apply to be a part of our LIT (Leaders in training) program. You will be assigned to be junior cabin leaders or dish crew based on your preference. 


Step 1 Fill out form by clicking on the link below


Step 2 Get your pastor, youth leader, or mentor to fill out the reference form by directing them to this page where they can fill it out. If you need assistance contact us here! 

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